Rose Emma Cinnamon (nee Cowan)

circa 1910 circa 1950 circa 1975
circa 1910 circa 1950 circa 1975


Father: Edmund Ephriam Cowan
Mother: Caroline Cowan (nee Downey)
Born: July 29th, 1887
Osgoode Township, Ontario
Married: Henry Alexander Cinnamon
June 5th, 1926
Holy Trinity Church,
Metcalfe, Ontario
Died: April 14th, 1981
Location Unknown
Buried: April 16th, 1981
Ormond Cemetery
Winchester, Ontario



Rose Emma and May Cowan circa 1910
Edmund Cowan's daughters February 25th, 1918
Edmund Cowan's Children circa 1950
Cowan Family August 4th, 1969
Edmund Cowan's Daughters circa 1975

Please note: Information on this page may be incomplete; all references to the living have been removed.

Revision Date: October 11th, 2004